

Tissue Dissociation


Cell Culture Media


3D Cell Culture


Cell Culture Tools




Essential Extras

Aged Mouse Lung Fibroblasts - (CellBiologics) Cells
Catalog Number PB-A57-6013
Species Mouse
Supplier CellBiologics
Quantity 0,5x10E6 cells/vial
Organ System Respiratory System
Organ/Tissue Lung
Cell Type Fibroblast
Cell Status Aged Healthy Cells
Recommended Medium PB-M2267
Aged Mouse Lymphatic Fibroblasts - (CellBiologics) Cells
Catalog Number PB-A57-6070
Species Mouse
Supplier CellBiologics
Quantity 0,5x10E6 cells/vial
Organ System Lymphatic System
Organ/Tissue Lymphatic
Cell Type Fibroblast
Cell Status Aged Healthy Cells
Recommended Medium PB-M2267
Aged Mouse Tracheal and Bronchial Fibroblasts - (CellBiologics) Cells
Catalog Number PB-A57-6217
Species Mouse
Supplier CellBiologics
Quantity 0,5x10E6 cells/vial
Organ System Respiratory System
Organ/Tissue Lung
Cell Type Tracheal & Bronchial Fibroblast
Cell Status Aged Healthy Cells
Recommended Medium PB-M2267
Aged Rat Lung Fibroblasts - (CellBiologics) Cells
Catalog Number PB-AR-6013
Species Rat
Supplier CellBiologics
Quantity 0,5x10E6 cells/vial
Organ System Respiratory System
Organ/Tissue Lung
Cell Type Fibroblast
Cell Status Aged Healthy Cells
Recommended Medium PB-M2267
Aged Rat Lymphatic Fibroblasts - (CellBiologics) Cells
Catalog Number PB-AR-6070
Species Rat
Supplier CellBiologics
Quantity 0,5x10E6 cells/vial
Organ System Lymphatic System
Organ/Tissue Lymphatic
Cell Type Lymphatic Fibroblast
Cell Status Aged Healthy Cells
Recommended Medium PB-M2267
Aged Rat Tracheal and Bronchial Fibroblasts - (CellBiologics) Cells
Catalog Number PB-AR-6217
Species Rat
Supplier CellBiologics
Quantity 0,5x10E6 cells/vial
Organ System Respiratory System
Organ/Tissue Lung
Cell Type Tracheal & Bronchial Fibroblast
Cell Status Aged Healthy Cells
Recommended Medium PB-M2267
B129 Mouse Primary Lung Fibroblasts - (CellBiologics) Cells
Catalog Number PB-B129-7013
Species Mouse
Supplier CellBiologics
Quantity 0,5x10E6 cells/vial
Organ System Respiratory System
Organ/Tissue Lung
Cell Type Fibroblast
Cell Status Healthy Cells
Recommended Medium PB-M2267
B129 Mouse Primary Lymphatic Fibroblasts - (CellBiologics) Cells
Catalog Number PB-B129-7070
Species Mouse
Supplier CellBiologics
Quantity 0,5x10E6 cells/vial
Organ System Lymphatic System
Organ/Tissue Lymphatic
Cell Type Lymphatic Fibroblast
Cell Status Healthy Cells
Recommended Medium PB-M2267
B129 Mouse Primary Tracheal and Bronchial Fibroblasts - (CellBiologics) Cells
Catalog Number PB-B129-7217
Species Mouse
Supplier CellBiologics
Quantity 0,5x10E6 cells/vial
Organ System Respiratory System
Organ/Tissue Lung
Cell Type Tracheal & Bronchial Fibroblast
Cell Status Healthy Cells
Recommended Medium PB-M2267
BALB/c Mouse Primary Lung Fibroblasts - (CellBiologics) Cells
Catalog Number PB-BALB-5013
Species Mouse
Supplier CellBiologics
Quantity 0,5x10E6 cells/vial
Organ System Respiratory System
Organ/Tissue Lung
Cell Type Fibroblast
Cell Status Healthy Cells
Recommended Medium PB-M2267
BALB/c Mouse Primary Lymphatic Fibroblasts - (CellBiologics) Cells
Catalog Number PB-BALB-5070
Species Mouse
Supplier CellBiologics
Quantity 0,5x10E6 cells/vial
Organ System Lymphatic System
Organ/Tissue Lymphatic
Cell Type Lymphatic Fibroblast
Cell Status Healthy Cells
Recommended Medium PB-M2267
BALB/c Mouse Primary Tracheal and Bronchial Fibroblasts - (CellBiologics) Cells
Catalog Number PB-BALB-5217
Species Mouse
Supplier CellBiologics
Quantity 0,5x10E6 cells/vial
Organ System Respiratory System
Organ/Tissue Lung
Cell Type Tracheal & Bronchial Fibroblast
Cell Status Healthy Cells
Recommended Medium PB-M2267