

Tissue Dissociation


Cell Culture Media


3D Cell Culture


Cell Culture Tools




Essential Extras

3-in-1 Plate - (Apricell) 3D Cell Culture
Catalog Number APL-31P-700
Product Type 3D Cell Culture Inserts
Main Application Scaffold free Spheroid Formation & Drug Testing
Supplier Apricell Biotechnology
Quantity 1 pcs
Attachment Factor™ - (Cell-Systems) Cell Culture Tools
Catalog Number 4Z0-201
Product Type Extracellular Matrix Solutions
Main Application Coating
Supplier Cell-Systems
Quantity 10 ml
Attachment Factor™ - (Cell-Systems) Cell Culture Tools
Catalog Number 4Z0-210
Product Type Extracellular Matrix Solutions
Main Application Coating
Supplier Cell-Systems
Quantity 100 ml
Bac-Off® Antibiotic - (Cell-Systems) Cell Culture Tools
Catalog Number 4Z0-643
Product Type Antibiotics
Main Application Cell Culture
Supplier Cell-Systems
Quantity 4 ml
Bac-Off® Antibiotic - (Cell-Systems) Cell Culture Tools
Catalog Number 4Z0-644
Product Type Antibiotics
Main Application Cell Culture
Supplier Cell-Systems
Quantity 10 ml
Cell Freezing Medium - (Cell-Systems) Cell Culture Tools
Catalog Number 4Z0-705
Product Type Cryo-Preservation Media
Main Application Cryo-Preservation
Supplier Cell-Systems
Quantity 50 ml
Complete Classic Cell Culture Medium Kit with Serum and CultureBoost-R™ - (Cell-Systems) Cell Culture Media
Catalog Number 4Z0-500-R
Product Type Growth Medium
Main Application Primary Cell Culture
Species Animal & Human
Supplier Cell-Systems
Quantity 500 ml
Cell Type Endothelial Cells, Fibroblast, Mesangial Cells, Pericytes, Smooth Muscle Cells
Complete Classic Cell Culture Medium Kit with Serum and CultureBoost™ - (Cell-Systems) Cell Culture Media
Catalog Number 4Z0-500
Product Type Growth Medium
Main Application Primary Cell Culture
Species Animal & Human
Supplier Cell-Systems
Quantity 500 ml
Cell Type Endothelial Cells, Fibroblast, Mesangial Cells, Pericytes, Smooth Muscle Cells
Complete Classic Cell Culture Medium Kit with Serum and without Growth Factor - (Cell-Systems) Cell Culture Media
Catalog Number 4Z0-500-S
Product Type Growth Medium
Main Application Primary Cell Culture
Species Animal & Human
Supplier Cell-Systems
Quantity 500 ml
Cell Type Endothelial Cells, Fibroblast, Mesangial Cells, Pericytes, Smooth Muscle Cells
Complete Medium Formulated at Normal Blood Glucose Level With Serum and CultureBoost-R™ - (Cell-Systems) Cell Culture Media
Catalog Number 4N0-500-R
Product Type Growth Medium
Main Application Primary Cell Culture
Species Animal & Human
Supplier Cell-Systems
Quantity 500 ml
Cell Type Endothelial Cells, Fibroblast, Mesangial Cells, Pericytes, Smooth Muscle Cells
Complete Medium Formulated at Normal Blood Glucose Level Without Serum and With CultureBoost-R™ - (Cell-Systems) Cell Culture Media
Catalog Number 4N3-500-R
Product Type Growth Medium
Main Application Primary Cell Culture
Species Animal & Human
Supplier Cell-Systems
Quantity 500 ml
Cell Type Endothelial Cells, Fibroblast, Mesangial Cells, Pericytes, Smooth Muscle Cells
Complete Medium Formulated at Normal Blood Glucose Level without Serum and without CultureBoost™ - (Cell-Systems) Cell Culture Media
Catalog Number 4N3-500
Product Type Growth Medium
Main Application Primary Cell Culture
Species Animal & Human
Supplier Cell-Systems
Quantity 500 ml
Cell Type Endothelial Cells, Fibroblast, Mesangial Cells, Pericytes, Smooth Muscle Cells