

Tissue Dissociation


Cell Culture Media


3D Cell Culture


Cell Culture Tools




Essential Extras

DMEM,High Glucose with L-glutamine and Sodium Pyruvate - (CellBiologics) Cell Culture Media
Catalog Number PB-M6213
Product Type Basal Medium
Main Application Primary Cell Culture
Species Animal & Human
Supplier CellBiologics
Quantity 500 ml x 6
Cell Type Primary Cells
DMEM,with High Glucose, L-glutamine, Sodium Pyruvate and, 25mM HEPES - (CellBiologics) Cell Culture Media
Catalog Number PB-M6216
Product Type Basal Medium
Main Application Primary Cell Culture
Species Animal & Human
Supplier CellBiologics
Quantity 500 ml x 6
Cell Type Primary Cells
DMEM/Ham's F-12 (1:1 Mixture), With L-glutamine and HEPES - (CellBiologics) Cell Culture Media
Catalog Number PB-M6217
Product Type Basal Medium
Main Application Primary Cell Culture
Species Animal & Human
Supplier CellBiologics
Quantity 500 ml x 6
Cell Type Primary Cells
MCDB 131 Medium - (CellBiologics) Cell Culture Media
Catalog Number PB-M6318
Product Type Basal Medium
Main Application Primary Cell Culture
Species Animal & Human
Supplier CellBiologics
Quantity 500 ml x 6
Cell Type Primary Cells
Medium 199 With Earle's Salts; With L-glutamine and HEPES Buffer - (CellBiologics) Cell Culture Media
Catalog Number PB-M6218
Product Type Basal Medium
Main Application Primary Cell Culture
Species Animal & Human
Supplier CellBiologics
Quantity 500 ml x 6
Cell Type Primary Cells
Medium 199 With Hank's Salts; With L-glutamine and HEPES Buffer - (CellBiologics) Cell Culture Media
Catalog Number PB-M6219
Product Type Basal Medium
Main Application Primary Cell Culture
Species Animal & Human
Supplier CellBiologics
Quantity 500 ml x 6
Cell Type Primary Cells
MEM With Earle's Salts and L-glutamine - (CellBiologics) Cell Culture Media
Catalog Number PB-M6211
Product Type Basal Medium
Main Application Primary Cell Culture
Species Animal & Human
Supplier CellBiologics
Quantity 500 ml x 6
Cell Type Primary Cells
RPMI-1640 Media; With L-glutamine and HEPES Buffer - (CellBiologics) Cell Culture Media
Catalog Number PB-M6317
Product Type Basal Medium
Main Application Primary Cell Culture
Species Animal & Human
Supplier CellBiologics
Quantity 500 ml x 6
Cell Type Primary Cells