Now available: Human and Animal Hepatocytes

From BPr 21. July 2022 3

Primary hepatocytes contain the full complement of drug-metabolizing enzymes (both phase I and II) and therefore play a pivotal role in drug discovery programs.

They can be used in suspension cultures as well as in a plated format. In vitro the enzymatic activities tend to decrease, and the addition of extracellular components or cultivation in 3D allows more extended maintenance of liver-specific functions.

Our human hepatocytes, together with the recommended media and cultivation tools, will enable you to work with an optimized system.
A large number of different human donors is available. Please contact us about your specific requirements.

What do we offer for your research projects?

-> Human hepatocytes-cryopreserved from individual donors.
-> Animal hepatocytes-cryopreserved pooled

  • Rat: Wistar-Han, SD
  • Mouse: CD-1, Field
  • Beagle dog
  • Göttingen minipig
  • Cynomolgus monkey
  • And many more…

Want to know what solution we have for your lab?

-> See our product list here